Nuclear Arms Race Continues

The top US General in South Korea claims that North Korea is now capable of miniaturizing a nuclear warhead and putting it on an ICBM.  See the NY Times story here.

Stars and Stripes Magazine reports on China’s growing nuclear weapons programs that bring a full triad of land, air and sea delivery capabilities here.

Foreign Policy says Putin has deployed nuclear weapons in Crimea, and may have violated the INF Treaty here.

NY Times covers the major renewal of US nuclear weapons here

The Washington Post reports that Pakistan is eyeing the deployment of sea based and short range nuclear weapons here

NY Times says that whether Iran is racing toward a nuclear weapons capability is one of the most contentious foreign policy questions facing the West here.

The Guardian reports that no representatives from Russia are showing up at a meeting to plan a 2016 nuclear security summit here.  The summit is designed to prevent terrorists from getting their hands on weapons grade nuclear material.

Analysts for Bulletin of Atomic Scientists believe that the size of Israel’s nuclear arsenal is overstated – they estimate the number of warheads  to be approximately 80.

The Bulletin’s Clock remains unchanged since 2012 – 5 minutes to midnight.

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