Senator Richard Lugar Provided Essential Leadership to Prevent Nuclear War

Senator Richard Lugar, and admirable leader and statesman who worked effectively on urgent policy issues, has passed at age 87.  Senator Lugar worked across party lines and in cooperation with international communities to prevent proliferation of nuclear weapons and technology during the break up of the former Soviet Union.  Weapons and materials that could be used to make weapons were spread across 11 time zones and under loose control.  At times the nuclear scientists charged with their care were not getting paid.  Senator Lugar, a Republican, led and supported bipartisan initiatives to reduce the threat of these materials falling into the wrong hands during this critical period.   With civil dialog, and mutual concern for the future of the planet, Senator Lugar worked with Senator Sam Nunn (a Democrat) to develop the Mutual Co-operative Threat Reduction Regime, which likely prevented unnecessary suffering and uncertainty in our world.   Thank you for your service to humanity, Senator Lugar.  We hope others will follow your lead by responding rapidly and appropriately for all concerned during times of crisis.

See also:

The Origins of Nunn-Lugar and Cooperative Threat Reduction

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