Radiation Health Risks Revisited


Health Effects of ionizing radiation remains a topic that needs serious attention.   Do health effects occur in a linear relationship to dose?  That is the position of the BEIR Committee of the National Academy of Sciences.  Some researchers argue that there could be a beneficial effect to low dose exposure, and others argue against it.  Whether the curve is linear or supralinear or superlinear has also been a matter of discussion for years.  Others argue that, as with sunlight exposure, … Continue Reading →

Notable Nuclear “Events” 2015


Fortunately 2015 was a year with no major nuclear events. Let’s hope the same for 2016 and continue to watch these stories:

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Airline Crew Radiation Exposure


I get questions periodically from pilots and flight attendants about occupational radiation exposure.   It has been known for some time that the exposures received by some flight personnel would require monitoring with dosimeters if they were working in the medical or nuclear industries.

The challenges to determining dose to a person in flight is complex in different ways than dosimetry on the surface of the planet.   High altitude radiation includes particles and rays from distant star systems, from the sun, … Continue Reading →